A faint white photo zoomed in on a hand grasping a handheld recording device.

Bang, crash, tumble & splash: building a floating dock

Zoom H4N
Whampoa, Hong Kong
April Melnick
April Melnick
February 11, 2023

Sea breeze.
Gentle sun.
Empty harbor front.
Hazy view of the now defunct Kai Tak Airport in the distance.
My destination is To Kwa Wan, a neighborhood I visited once, with a friend. Far away from the madness of places like Causeway Bay. I'm ready for a long day of walking.

An hour after I left the hostel, I stumble upon the event of the early afternoon.

A semi-truck, filled with stacks of brown plastic cubes.

Workers tossing the cubes from the back of the semi, to the front and off into the water. A legitimate cacophony witnessed by the neighborhood senior citizens and I.

I stop to listen. Lean up against the guardrail. Recorder in hand.

A sideways glance at the person standing next to me; they are watching the event intently. I get the sense they have been planted here from the moment the semi-truck arrived. Hands clasped behind their back. And they will stay until the last cube is fitted in to place.